If you had no idea what a rainbow is or what causes it, you might believe some of the legends that different ancient cultures have created to explain it. Rainbows are among the most beautiful manifestations of nature.A rainbow is caused by sunlight and atmospheric conditions. Light enters a drop of water, slows down and bends as it passes from air to denser water. The light is reflected inside the droplet, separating into its wavelengths, components, or colors. When the light leaves the drop, it forms a rainbow.A rainbow is not really a "thing" and does not exist in a particular "place". It is an optical phenomenon that appears when the sunlight and atmospheric conditions are right, and the viewers position is right to see it.When can you see a rainbow?A rainbow requires water droplets to float in the air. Thats why we see them right after it rains. The Sun must be behind you and the clouds away from the Sun for the rainbow to appear.Why is a rainbow a bow or a bow?A full rainbow is actually a full circle, but only part of it is visible from the ground. From an airplane, in the right conditions, you can see a whole circular rainbow.WHAT PRODUCES A DOUBLE RAINBOW?Sometimes another weaker secondary rainbow can be seen above the primary rainbow. The primary rainbow is caused by a reflection within the drop of water. The secondary rainbow is caused by a second reflection within the droplet, and this "re-reflected" light leaves the droplet at a different angle (50° instead of 42° for the red primary arc). This is the reason why the secondary rainbow appears over the primary rainbow. The secondary rainbow will also have the color order reversed, with red at the bottom and violet at the top.Download this application so you can delight yourself today with one of the greatest shows on the planet.